Following the successful collaboration last year, live cartoonist Floris Oudshoorn signed another series of fantastic cartoons during the presentation of the Value Based Health Care Prize 2019. This prestigious prize in health care is being awarded for the sixth time this year.
The VBHC Prize rewards and recognizes inspiring initiatives that have adopted a fundamentally new line of thinking in creating excellent patient value in terms of real outcomes and real costs. The Prize’s philosophy is to recognize, support and embrace initiatives that redefine health care. Each year, one excellent initiative is awarded the VBHC Prize, a prestigious award that boosts this initiative in many ways. Three Excellence Awards are awarded to outstanding initiatives in the categories Patient outcomes, Collaboration and Cost-effectiveness.
All aboard! #eithealthbene #vbhc @ComicHouseNL
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) May 3, 2019
Laat de tandarts ook weer lachen! @ComicHouseNL @OntRegelDeZorg #knmt
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) April 16, 2019
Afgesproken: de KNMT laat weten hoe je ”minimaal” voldoet aan de 13 praktijkrichtlijnen van de KNMT. #ontregeldezorg
— KNMT (@KNMTnieuws) April 16, 2019
Transparency is key, spoken like a true X-ray Radiologist . #vbhcprize2019 @ComicHouseNL
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) April 18, 2019
One of the (many ) challenges when a doctor becomes a patient is to trust that his (or her!) colleagues are as capable as he (or she) is. #vbhcprize2019 @ComicHouseNL
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) April 18, 2019
Putting the client back in the center. #vbhcprize2019 @ComicHouseNL
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) April 18, 2019