Rich Pictures
rich pictures
The input or output of a live cartoon session or event is compiled into a large overview picture. This adds great support and benefit to presentations, process analyses, internal issues, or complex instructions. In a Rich Picture an abundance of information can be quickly and clearly conveyed.
cartoon compilation
Cartoons created during a live session or event, are digitized and integrated into a larger overview. This way a comprehensive visual summary is created that can be printed out as a flyer or poster.
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© Copyright Comic House Amsterdam BV – The intellectual (property) rights regarding the work displayed on this website are the property of Comic House Amsterdam BV, respectively of the authors Comic House represents. Commercial use, alteration, mutilation, inclusion in a database, public display and/or broadcasting of (parts of) the work in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Comic House Amsterdam BV, is illegal and thus punishable by international law. The displayed work may be viewed on a monitor and be downloaded or printed, on the strict condition that this is done for personal, informational and non-commercial use. In addition, the work may not be altered and must include the following copyright notice in a legible typeface: © copyright Comic House Amsterdam BV.