speed animation
Instead of hand-drawn animation, we also produce stop-motion animation, using miniature objects. This is relatively quick to produce, hence the name speed animations. Aided by a tremendous stockpile of miniature props, a set is built on which the animation is staged and photographed frame by frame. Show more examples…
whiteboard animation
In Whiteboard Animation, certain parts of a drawing can be polished away and replaced with something else. Skilled animators know how to use this optimally. And this way, surprising animations arise.
cartoon recap
After an event, our cartoonist summarizes the session in a series of cartoons. One after the other, these are placed under the camera and assembled into a smooth and clear video. The result is a striking and fun way to recap the main topics.
Explanimations (explain-animations) are much more than just great videos. For in the end viewers have to understand and acknowledge your message. So prior to production, we work out the ultimate goal of each video as accurate as possible. In concert with our professional animation team and client we ensure that the end product will totally work. Show more examples...
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