pimp your powerpoint
A Powerpoint presentation offers all kinds of possibilities to make a topic more interesting, clearer and more accessible. For example with Clickable Cartoons, Rich Pictures or Explanimations. The result yields more than enough material to upgrade an average presentation to something truly remarkable.
Cartoons or SketchNotes can also play a role in the evaluation of a session or event. After all, the cartoons are a cognitive, visual link to the topics that were discussed during the session. It also happens that we create some cartoons afterwards, especially for the benefit of an evaluation.
thank you cards
To thank all participants of a conference, session or event for their presence in an appropriate way. That is the idea behind a Thank You Card that we can produce in every desired volume. In the first place it’s a nice thank you, but it can also be a fun way to communicate final conclusions, lessons learned, or next steps.
cartoon booklets
An attractively designed booklet with all the cartoons of an event, is a popular item for everyone who was present. It also provides a concise visual overview of the course of the meeting, during which the most important topics are reviewed in a fun and entertaining way.
table tops
After an event or session, there are all kinds of possibilities to reuse the created cartoons. Table-top products are very suitable for this. Think of calendars, mats, mouse mats, or notebooks. Everything can be imprinted with work that was made during the event and produced in any volume.
After an event or session is concluded, in most cases a concise report is produced, in which the main topics and results of the meeting are summarized. The cartoons made during the event provide a visual link to those main points and can therefore be perfectly reused in such reports.
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