Discover and harness the power of Visual Thinking. Live-Cartooning is enlightning and gives immediate rise to discussion and new insights. Comic House offers a professional team of live cartoonists for events throughout Europe.
happy to work for:
Every day we work at different events simultaneously throughout Europe. Due to confidentiality, it is not always possible to make our work public. What we can show, we present it below.
EMbraces Workshop
ONLINE Workshop Business Drawing
Online Session RWS-LEF
Shopping Tomorrow
Life Sciences & Health Hub
National Education Strike 2020
NWO dcypher symposium
Public Information Infrastructure
Webhelp: Beyond Social
OnderhoudNL Entrepreneurs Day
From compulsory schooling to learning right
Capgemini ASE Utrecht
VIAG Congres 2019
Involve ICT work session
N3Wstrategy NECXT 3-day event
The global raw materials race
Cardboard Cartoons for Coca-Cola
EHFG 2019: A healthy dose of disruption?
Antimony Day 2019
Standup Economics Festival
European Cocoa Forum Lisbon
Development Inner City Roosendaal
Innovation in the Hart
Pinkpop – Bright Ideas
Tech Campus Kick Off
Sanquin encourages drinking water
LEF Workshop Rijkswaterstaat
SENSE – Energy in the Future
Lots of interaction at Annual Day 2019
Scientific Market
Healthcare Center De Posten
Get Started with Attitude!
Development Inner City of Roosendaal
KPMG Ideation Challenge
Workspace Design for Capgemini
Pinkpop Brightlands
VBHC Prize 2019
Global Citizenship Education
Thematic Day Police Staff East Brabant
HAN – 50 Years FEM
VWS/VNG – Violence belongs nowhere
Groupmapping with Floris Oudshoorn
Euroclear IT-Connect
Innovative Working
Workshop Cartoons and SketchNotes
Movement in the Health Care Landscape
The Agile Leadership Paradox
Cross Comix 2018
Working Conference Visualizations & Law
Antimony Day 2018
From Good to Great with GroupMapping
The story of Assen
Conference (Digi)Taal works!
Closing the Raw Materials Loop
IPO Annual Conference 2018 Brussels
Registration at the Source
E-health workshop of the Care Innovation Forum
EHFG 2018 – Health and Sustainable Development
World Teachers’ Day
IMA Circular Economy & Energy Transition
Connect to Innovate 2018
Applause at Deloitte in Utrecht
Sanquin Roadshow
Two-day workshop at Vektis
Go with the FLOW
GITP course Personal Leadership
Business Drawing Workshop
Makro 2020: Start of a New Journey
Domijn complaint handling
Cartoon Crash Course
Digital Day 2018
Live Cartooning at Stripdagen 2018
The Elderly have the Floor
Value Based Health Care Prize 2018
Workspace Design by Michiel van de Pol
ASE Welcome Wall
Deep Dive in SketchNotes
FNT Training Day
Sligro Proposal Capgemini
[De]Regulate Health Care 2018
Two-day ASE at Capgemini
KBC Kick-off Meeting
ECETOC 40th anniversary
School Leaders Register PO
Working together on social inclusion
Police – Interactive Session
Capgemini – UWV eServices
SoortenNL – Delta Plan Biodiversity
National Meeting Day DT&V
Staatsbosbeheer Meeting Day 2017
Stratact Retailplatform Scribe
Scribing Workshop Capgemini
Antimony Day 2017
CEPI high-level session: Sense the Future
ASE with Hans Klaver
Benelux Venture Forum 2017
Floris Oudshoorn at [De]Regulate Health Care
Visual Elevator Pitch by Peter Koch
Opening new office Heartcore-Lab
ICT Event for the UWV
Eliane Gerrits on stage for Polaris
Cyber Security Conference
Explanimation GGZ Health Care Funding
Coen en Eliane for Platform WOW
Workshop Scriben
Live-Cartooning for Thebe
YEP Conference 2016
Open Education Data Day
School trip with the European Commission
BEFOREan event
DURINGan event
AFTERan event
Massive thanks for today! Truly impressive to see how quickly you are able to translate today's discussions into inspiring cartoons. I will definitely keep this in mind for future workshops!
Comic House will help make your events shine. As a professional moderator and event advisor, their live cartooning is a ‘must have’ for my government and corporate clients’ internal and external events across Europe. They guarantee engaging, memorable visual impact to capture and reinforce your key messages.
I gladly contact Comic House for my clients, and I am very pleased with the great artists, who always manage to simplify complicated discussions. And especially with the people from Comic House; they deliver fast and with quality, and are pleasant in personal contact.
People who make challenging stuff seem easy.
Such an awesome collaboration!
Always the best service and cooperation. We have already carried out several assignments with Comic House and I am always very satisfied!
I am very satisfied with the progress of the assignment and the end product. I enjoyed our pleasant collaboration and experienced the process as flexible and customer-oriented. It is very nice to be able to adjust details in between, as you keep noticing new elements in the picture. Our client is also very happy with the end result!
The style, the understanding of the problem, the sense of humor, and the speed have impressed all the team! Yesterday evening, the clients were already discussing how they can reuse your talent for other meetings! So congratulations and thank you so much!
Terrific how Comic House assists me time after time and swiftly finds the right solution and the perfect cartoonist for each assignment!
Because of their fast, flexible and decisive way of working, Comic House ensured that we had exactly the right cartoonist for our event in the very short term. Clever how they grasp what we're looking for so flawlessly, in spite of limited information.
I found the contribution of the Comic House cartoonist to our congress refreshing! What an official needs a whole story for, he caught in just one picture. Afterwards the cartoons form a summary; a kind of legacy, but in striking images!
They grasp the essence of discussions within moments, and turns them into cartoons that can be challenging, provocative, and, of course, funny! This has thus become an invaluable addition to our conference, and is greatly appreciated and loved both by conference participants and our team. We would recommend Comic House to anyone looking to make their events more fun, memorable and special.
P.O. Box 14718
1001 LE Amsterdam
tel: (+31) 2032 000 78
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© Copyright Comic House Amsterdam BV – The intellectual (property) rights regarding the work displayed on this website are the property of Comic House Amsterdam BV, respectively of the authors Comic House represents. Commercial use, alteration, mutilation, inclusion in a database, public display and/or broadcasting of (parts of) the work in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Comic House Amsterdam BV, is illegal and thus punishable by international law. The displayed work may be viewed on a monitor and be downloaded or printed, on the strict condition that this is done for personal, informational and non-commercial use. In addition, the work may not be altered and must include the following copyright notice in a legible typeface: © copyright Comic House Amsterdam BV.