Today is Antimony Day 2019 in gorgeous Antwerp. The International Antimony Association (i2a) is organizing a new edition of Antimony Day for the third consecutive time. This year's theme: Spotlight on Regulation. Again this third, live cartoonist Floris Oudshoorn provides the visual flash in the pan.
The event brings together more than 100 producers, users of and traders in Sb (Antimony) substances to find out more about the EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) regulatory attention on Sb and i2a’s plans to address these. Reference Industry and Authority experts will join the day to feed the discussion too. Sb is not the first nor the last chemical undergoing scrutiny and potentially becoming subject to a number of environmental or health restrictions. Those chemical industries having faced these processes before Sb, realize that regulations do not necessarily constitute a death sentence, but rather a path towards better and safer use, through harmonized best practice.
The International Antimony Association or i2a is the Brussels-based organization representing the producers, importers and users of multiple Antimony substances. i2a’s aim is the sustainable and responsible production, use and recycling of Antimony.