On March 12-14, Floris Oudshoorn creates a series of live cartoons during the big, national day for [De]Regulate Health Care. The cartoons were eagerly shared on Social Media and have been widely used in the nation-wide campaign.
Healthcare providers presented 60 scrap points to Dutch Minister Bruins of Health, Welfare and Sports, in the form of two cartoons by Floris Oudshoorn. In their struggle against bureaucracy, they make an urgent appeal to all stakeholders in the healthcare sector to stop the increasing regulatory burden.
A healthcare professional spends an average of 40 percent of the working time on administrative tasks. This can and must change right now, say all (main) players in the healthcare sector. In March 2018, medical specialists, general practitioners, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, psychiatrists and district nurses set up their own scrap points. Aim: to make a direct difference for the patient and care provider.
Minister Bruins ontving zojuist een mooie opbrengst van de schrapsessies. https://t.co/CGS2wHoLc8 “Er is hard gewerkt. Nu moet het van papier naar de praktijk, zodat er meer tijd is voor de patiënt en de zorgverlener met plezier kan werken”. @OntRegelDeZorg pic.twitter.com/mFOCZrCsXz
— MinVWS (@MinVWS) 27 maart 2018
— [Ont]Regel de Zorg (@OntRegelDeZorg) 28 maart 2018
Zit! #OntRegelDeZorg #comichousenl pic.twitter.com/AJrNED1lZ6
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) 13 maart 2018
#OntRegelDeZorg maar denk aan de kinderen! pic.twitter.com/R1pELBZ0V6
— Floris Oudshoorn (@MySwampThing) 12 maart 2018